Happy March! March is National Nutrition Month so the theme this month on the blog is…drumroll…RECIPES! I know you love them. Food makes everyone happy but knowing what is healthy to eat and what is not can be confusing and make eating to fight cancer challenging. Well, follow along this month as I offer up easy recipes […]
Read MoreWhen I was diagnosed with Mantle Cell Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma in August of 2013, I barely knew what a lymph node was. I had heard of them and knew there were a couple on either side of my throat where my head meets my neck that got a bit swollen when I had a cold, but […]
Read MoreEvery time I hear the word “plastics” I think of that scene in The Graduate where Benjamin is getting advice from his father’s friend to “go into plastics!” Am I dating myself here? Back in the 60’s plastics were the latest greatest thing. Little did we know that plastics would not only be ruining our […]
Read MoreFebruary is National Cancer Prevention month so I am highlighting ways to set yourself up to reduce your risk of getting cancer or if you are a survivor, not having it come back. Something we all want, right? I’ve written a lot about food and how what you eat really does make a difference for either promoting […]
Read MoreI write a lot about food, what to eat and what not to eat, because well, I love food! And I’ve written several posts about how meditation has helped me. So, in honor of Cancer Prevention Month, this week I’m writing about something else that helps greatly in cancer prevention that frankly, doesn’t come easily […]
Read MoreTomorrow is the first day of February already! Turns out February is National Cancer Prevention Month so this month the theme on the blog will be lifestyle tips and tricks that help prevent cancer. Truth be told, it’s hard to even believe in cancer prevention when you have a story like mine. I mean, I was […]
Read MoreHave you ever heard voices in your head? Ever had the answer to a question pop into your head and know for certain that you didn’t think this up yourself? Because this answer would have never occurred to you? Well, I had two of these experiences four months apart, four years ago. Never had one before […]
Read MoreThe more frequently asked questions that I get are centered around food–specifically what do I eat, is food really that important, and comments along the lines of, “my oncologist says that I can eat whatever I want.” To address this last one first, of course you can eat whatever you want; it’s a free country. […]
Read MoreAs a cancer survivor, building my immune system is my number one focus. It is vital for you cancer survivors who want permanent remission as well as my readers who are non-cancer survivors (AKA regular people) who don’t want to get sick this cold and flu season! Since January is my cancerversary month (the triple […]
Read MoreToday is kind of a big day for me. It is my 3 year cancerversary for the triple negative breast cancer diagnosis. The recurrence rate drops sharply after 3 years, so…woohoo for me!!! I will breathe even easier after the 5 year mark where recurrence rarely happens, but I gotta take my wins where I […]
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